Mr. Atterbury
Elected Minister
This Court being principally called for
the Eleccon of a Minister for this Hospll. and Precinct
in the Roome and place of Mr.
Samll. Master< no role >
deced And the Staute of 31th. Eliz: Chapter the 6th
Entituled an Art agst. abused in Electing of Schollars and
prsentacon to Benefices as also the Orders of this Court
touching the Duty of ye Minister being read This Court
proceeded to the reduceing of the number of the persons
who stood Candidates for the said Place to four
And upon the Sewall humble Petitions of Mr. Stephen
Penton Mr.
Francis Atterbury< no role >
Mathew Mead< no role >
John Hancock< no role >
Richd. Holland< no role >
John Kilsby< no role >
Solomon Wheatley< no role >
Wm. Perry< no role >
Wm. Corbin< no role >
Thomas Bowler< no role >
Richard Jenks< no role >
and Mr.
Gregory< no role >
And they being severally putt into nomination to
be of the number of the said 4 It Appeared that the
plurality of hands were for Mr. Penton Mr. Atterbury
Dr. Hancocke and Mr. Jenks wth. was declared accordingly
And a Mocon being made And the Question putt whitter
this Court would now proceed to the Eleccon of one pson
out of the said four to be Minister and Preacher of this
Hospll. in the Room of the said Mr. Masters or not It
passed in the Affirmative And upon Applicacon made to
this Court on behalfe of Mr. Masters widow of the said
deced that She might have Such reasonable time to
remaine in the Minister hanse and by her Friends
the Clergy Simply the said place and have the P fitt
thereof for such time as this Court should thinke fitt
And the Question being putt whether this Court would
take the same in Consideracon before the Eleccon of
a Minister or not It passed in the Affirmative
Whereupon this Court taking the same into consideracon
and after debate thereupon Doe thinke fitt and soe
order That the said Mrs. Masters shall have and
enjoy the house wherein she now dwells till Lady day
next but that the person who shall at this Court be
Elected to the Plate of Minister and Preacher of this
Hospll. shall immediately enter upon the Duty thereof
And that this Court will in respect thereof give a gratuity
to the said Mrs. Masters but as to the Quantum thereof
and where the same shall proceed doe reserve to be
Considered and Setted at the next Court After
which this Court proceeding to the Election of ye. Minister