late President of these Hospll. whereupon there remained
due to the Hospll. the since of One hundred and Six
pounds or there abonts And that the said Hospll. Accounts
were audited and allowed Accordingly That afterwards
the aforesaid Mrs. Monox Did apply to this Court for a
Review thereof which was referred to the then Auditors
with the addition of three worthy members of this Court
chosen by the said Mrs. Monox who after severall meetings
thereabout Did Report to this Court that they saw noe
reason to alter the Hospll. Accounts And that afterward sd
the said Mrs. Monox had agen applyed to this Court for
a Referance of the Prmissed to Gentlemen of the Long Role
wth. was condiscened to by this Court and two severall
Meetings had in pursuance thereof but the same rendered
ineffectuall by the said Mrs. Monox's refusall to comply
with the Order of this Court in Giving bond to abide the
said Referrees award and Determinacon and also
informing this Court of the nature of the Severall points
in Differente touching the said Accouts And upon reading
to this Court the Severall Orders made from time to time
relating to the Prmisses And upon long Debate and
Consideracon thereof This Court was pleased once more
to condissend that the said Matters in Difference be agen
referred to the said Sr. Gabriell Roberts< no role >
and the Prsent
of Mr. Trears Accouts for this Yeare soe as that
the said Adam Wright< no role >
will enter into bond to abide their
finall award & Determination wch. the said Adam Wright< no role >
being made accquainted with and hearing the names of
the said Auditors read over to him and having advised &
considered with his Friends touching the same did Submitt
and agree unto Whereupon the same is by this Court
Ordered Accordingly
Minister to
be Elected}
Also the Right Worspll. Sr
Robt. Geffery< no role >
. & Alderman
of these Hospll. acquainting this Court with the Death
of Mr.
Samll. Masters< no role >
late Minister
of this Hospll. And this
Court taking the same into Consideracon And that Sewall working
Divines doe make application for the same plate This Court
doe thinke fitt and soe Order That Wednesday next come
sen night be the Court day for the hearing the Petitions of
the Sewall Psons who shall be Candidates for the Place
aforesaid and the reducing them to some small number
After wch. this Court will take such further Order touching
the Eleccon of a Minister into the Room and place of the
said Mr. Masters as by this Court shall be thought fitt
And That noe Petiton for the said place be received after
the said Court day.