Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010325

Image 325 of 50020th October 1693

At this Court Dr. William Gold< no role > was
admitted a Governor of these Hosptlls.

Also there were nominated to be Governors.
Symon Harcourt< no role > Esqr .
Thomas Fillimore< no role > Esqr . &
Mr. Thomas Boun< no role > Merct .}
Mr. Foddrell
Mr. Pengry
Mr. Mundy.

Tables for Benefart.
names at Bethlem
to be made}

Also upon reading unto this Court Severall Reports
of the Comittee of Bethlem hospll. touching the
Wainscotting betweene the Iron Grates there with
Tables for Benefactors Names and considering the
Ornament and usefullness thereof Doe Order the
same to be done accordingly And doe referce it to the
monthly Comittee for the same Hospll for the time
being together with Sr . Gabriell Roberts< no role > to Order the
doeing thereof

Mrs. Masters
abt Gratuity}

Also this Court Resuming the Debate touching the
Gratuity Ordered for Mrs. Masters at the last Court It
was thought fitt (in regard the Courts time had been
spent in other business and It was the then late) to be
further adjorned And a Motion being made that it
be putt off till the Court next following such Court to
wch she shall peticon or apply for the same It is Ordered

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