& Bethlem
A Court holden at the Hospitall of Bridewell
on Fryday the 11th. August 1693.
Sr. Robert Geffery< no role >
. and Aldran
Mr. Trear
Mr. White
Mr. Attwood
Mr. Samll. Baker< no role >
Mr. Empson
Mr. Meredale
Mr. Kemp
Mr. Farmery
Mr. Hartley
Mr. Saunders
Mr. John Wolfe< no role >
Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Beckingham
Mr. Kniceton
Mr. Glover
Mr. Lugg
Mr. Wareing
Wm. Morrice< no role >
P warrt. of Sr
. Wm. Ashhurst< no role >
charged by
Hugh Strange< no role >
for Stealing from him 2 baskett
and about 3 dozen of Cutt Artichoaks to the
value of 3s:6d. wth. upon his Examinacon he
hath confessed And being and idle Disorderly
Ceesar (a Black) P warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
by Mr. John Bull< no role >
his Master
for running
away from his Service
pun and to Labr
. at his
Mar. Mr. Bull's Charge
John Bussell< no role >
P Order of Sessions being a very
Disorderly Pson and convicted for assaulting
and abuseing of Stephen Gifford< no role >
one of the
Constables of this Citty in the Execucon of his
Office and one who frequently abuseth the
Constables on their watch.
To Labr. and to have noe
more then he Earnes