Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010314

Image 314 of 50022nd September 1693

New Governor

Govrs. to stand by the
Pson they notate when
they receives the Charge}

At this Court Capt. Sherwood a Mercer
on Ludgate Hill was admitted a Governor of these
Hospll. And It is Ordered That for that future
Such of the Governors who Shall nominate any
pson to be a Governr. shall (if then prsent in Court)
stand by Such pson when he receives his Charge
of this Government.

New Governors

Also at this Court the Severall Psons following
were nominated to be Governr . of these Hospll. Vizt.
Mr. Wm. Rawlins< no role > a Printer in St.
Bartholomews Close }
by Capt Phillips
Mr. Francis Smith< no role > a Grocer without
Bishopsgate }
by Mr. Dregne
Mr. Anthony Gregory< no role > Vintner in Cornhill by Mr. Supple &
Mr. Robert Rowland< no role > a Brazier in
Gracechurch streete}
by Mr. Soames

Wm. Tallman< no role > Esqr .
a staff:

Also It is Ordered That a Staff be forthwith sent
to William Tallman< no role > Esqr . to be a governor of these
Hospll. It being a Month since he was proposed
there unto And this Court approving thereof.

Adam Wright< no role >

Also upon the humble Peticon of Adam Wright< no role > and
Mary< no role > his wife Admrs. of Anne Monox< no role > the Admrx . of
Lancelot Monox< no role > tha late Clerke of these Hospll. praying
for the reasons and on the Suggestions therein conceyned
That this Court would dicett that containe moneys
by the said Petiton alleaged to be in the hands of Daniell
< no role > Esqr . (Trear of these Hosplls. amounting to about
£120. and to belong to the Petrs. by Vertue of the administracon
aforesaid might be Delivered to them And that they
would forthwith pay the sume of Fifty three pounds
Eighteen Shillings and three pence to the Order of this Court
alleadgedalreadyto be the foot of Mr Monox's Account And also
praying that the bond given by Mr. Monox and his Sureties
may be Delivered up to the said Petrs. And the Worspll. Sr .
Gabriell Roberts< no role > Knt. Auditor Generall of the Accounts of
these hospitalls informing this Court That some money
found in the publicke Office at Bridewell after the
Death of the said Mr. Monox was in the Prsence of his
wife [..] her agent Mr. Tanner Sealed upp in Baggs and
there left to attend the event of his account And That
the said Mr. Monox's Atttemts were after a great Deal
of Pains and circumspection Settled near 3 Years agoe
by himself and the then auditors of Mr. Trears accounts
in the Prsence of the Right Worspll. Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > the

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