Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trear Baker Doe give
and pay unto him Tenne pounds out of the profitt of
Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him to manage
his said Trade to be allowed Mr. Trear in his next
Ben: Brampton< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr.
James Pitman< no role >
and Mr.
Wm. Clarke< no role >
(Two of the Governors
. of these Hosptl.)
That upon Inquiry they doe find That
Brampton< no role >
(who was brought upp Apprentice
Wm. Baker< no role >
(late one of the Artsmars
. of
this Hosptl.) and since made a Freeman of this
Citty by the approbacon of this Court) is sett up
for himselfe in his said Trade and that he hath a
good Character and a Chamber Indifferently well
furnished with his own goods and hath Stock of Skinns
& Gloves by him and that he keeps Two or three
Journey Men and is reputed a very good Epesband
& that they belive him a fitt object for part of Mr. Locks
gift It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trear
Baker doe give and pay unto him Tenne pounds out
of the profitts of Mr. Locks to be allowed Mr. Trear in
his next
[..] Account.
Also upon the humble Peticon of
John Field< no role >
(who was brought up Apprntice
Frost< no role >
(late one of the Artsmars
. of this
Hospll decd) and Since made a Freeman of this Citty
by the Approbacon of this Court and is sett up for
himselfe in his said Trade (as he alledgeth) at one Mr.
Saunders's over against the Kings Head in New Court
in Gracell Lane
in Hounsditch
) for Some part of Mr.
Locks Gift the better to enable him to manage his
said Trade It is Ordered by this Court That Mr.
Coles and Mr. Tregee (two of the Governrs. of these
Hosptls.) he desired to Inquire of the said
John Field< no role >
whether he be Soe Sett up in his said Trade and of
his hope fullness therein and to make report thereof
to the next Court.
Wm. Clarke< no role >
to Bethlem
at 2:6
Joseph Horsley< no role >
at 2:6d.
Wm. Bowden< no role >
at 2s.
Also It is Ordered by this Court that
Wm. Clarke< no role >
Joseph Horsley< no role >
be continued in the Hospll. of Bethlem at 2s:6d
& weeke each and Wm. Bowden thereat 2s. p weeke they
giveing security for the payment of the same accordingly.