Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010296

Image 296 of 50028th July 1693

Jane Arnold< no role > P warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged
by Mary Delaforce< no role > for being assisting to one
Mary Jenkins< no role > for Picking her Pockett of £4:10s.
To Labr .

Philadelpha Paston< no role > (als Lidia Butler< no role > ) P warrt. of
Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged by Joseph Chamberlain< no role >
for being taken up late at night in Coffee
house in St. Mary axe .

Martha Tucker< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm. Ashhurst< no role >
being taken upp last night by the Constable
and watch at unseasonable homes being a
Lewd idle and Disorderly Woman and known
to be a Comon night walker

Mary Verley< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged by
Hannah Hensway< no role > for breaking the peace upon
her Saying that She had two Bastards and
for abuseing Sewall Psons besides and the
Constable refuseing to obey his warrt.

Eliz: Toogood< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm. Ashhurst< no role > charged
by Grace Baxter< no role > upon Suspicon of having
Robb'd her of Sewall suits of Linnen and
other goods of Considerable value and being an
idle Lewd and Disorderly Pson that can give
noe good Account of herselfe.
To Labr. and to have noe
more then she Earnes

Jane Creed< no role > P warrt. of Sr . Wm. Ashhurst< no role > being apprhended
by one of the Officers of Newgate under the
Posterne of the said gate a Place where Comon
Pickpocketts doe much resort she being suspected
to be one of the Same Crew and appearing on
idle Lewd disorderly Pson following noe honest
Sort of Employment

Sage Edmonds< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role > charged
by Jonathan Easden< no role > This name instance is in set 2942. for living an idle Loose
life and enticeing Sewall young men to a
Bandy house

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