Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010285

Image 285 of 5007th July 1693

Anne Tibbalds< no role >
Kath: Evans< no role > }
Taken up by the Constable in a Naughty
To Labr.

Thomas Blackall< no role > of Comb in Oxfordshire
To be pass'd away.

Timothy Terrill< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being
drunke and for want of Security for his
Psonall Appearance at the next Sessions

Richd. Wardner< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Clayton< no role > for being
able to Labour & thereby to where himselfe & his Family did
nevertheless lately runn away out of the pish of St. Sepulchres
& leave his wife & child upon the said Parish
To Labr . & have noe more
then he Earnes.

Wm. Gillett< no role > P warrt. of Sr . Robt. Jeffery< no role > charged by
Francis Sedgwicke< no role > for picking his Dockett
of a Handkerchiefe value Six pence as he
was goeing along the Streete.

Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959. P Warrt. of Lord Mayor being very
Trouble some to the parishoners of the parish
where he dwells and being very abusive to
the Churchwardens
To Labr. & to have noe more
then he earnes

To Labr.

Eliz: Starr< no role >


John Turner< no role > }
P warrt. of Mr. Recorder being taken
up by the Constable and his watch
late last night the said Eliz: being known to
be a Comon night walker and they can give
noe good Account of themselves.

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