& their Appres.}
Also This Court being informed of the Disorders
and Irregularities that have been lately among the
Apprntices of Bridewell Hosptl. Pticularly in their
goeing out a nights in great numbers in the Streetes
in a Rude and Tumultuous manner And the said
Apprntices and their masters being Sent for and prsent
before this Court Some former Orders were Read
whereby it is provided That noe Apprntice shall be
out of his mars. House after 9 a Clock at night between
Lady day and Michas nor after 8 a Clock at night
between michas & Lady day And the Severall Artsmars.
and Apprntices were admonished that they faile not to
give entire obedience thereunto And It is further
Ordered That the Sewall Artsmars. doe take Especiall
Care of the Demeanrs. of their Sewall Apprces. and that
they behave themselves as becomes Ptakers of the Charity
of this Hosptl. And that they doe from time to time
give notice of such of their Apprce. as are obstinate and
ungovernable or run away from their Service or
comitt any other misdemeanor that may any way
reflect upon the good Governmt. of this Hosptl. to the
Clerke thereof who is to enter the same in a Booke for
that purpose and informe this Court or Mr. Trear
thereof as there shall be occasion and that noe Pson
concerned may prsend ignorance of the Pleasure of
this Court herein It is further Ordered That each
Artsmar. doe take a Copy of this Order and hang up
the same in Some eminentplace in his house.