Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010231

Image 231 of 50021st October 1692

& Bethlem
London }

A Court holden at the Hospitall of Bridewell
on Fryday the 21th. Octobr 1692 .

Sr Wm. Turner< no role > Knt . and Alderman President

Mr Crisp
Mr Saml Baker< no role >
Mr. Peter White< no role >
Mr Atwood
Mr. Jenks
Mr Encefield
Mr. Holton
Mr. Kemp
Mr Pengry
Mr Shaw
Mr. Underhill

Mr. Depty Brerewood
Mr. Wilkinson
Mr. Key
Mr. Kniveton
Mr. Farmery
Mr. Porter
Mr. Tayler
Mr. Wareing
Sr . Robt. Adams< no role >

Richard Tayler< no role > P Warrt. of Mr. Chamblaine the Apprentice of Thomas
< no role > being a Rebellions Apprentice and imbezilling his
To his Master

John Tree< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robert Jeffery< no role > Charged on Suspicon for
Stealing Sevall Sacks
dd to the Captaine wth.
whom he is histed

Robt. Kemmery< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > charged by Mary< no role > his
wife for barberously misusing her and endeavouring
to Cutt her Throat, & to hang her and being a Lewd idle
fellow and feigning himself to be mad
To Labour

Obadiah Bower< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. P Warrt. of Sr Wm. Turner< no role > charged by
Rosamond Phipps< no role > for Assaulting and beating her and by
one Richardson a Constable for abusing him in his
Office and kirking his Assistance
To Labr.

George Wilson< no role > P Warrt. of Mr. Chamberlaine the Apprce.
of Tho: Wilson< no role > Weaver for being a Rebellious
Apprentice and lying out a nights Etc
dd to his Master

Anne Starke< no role > P Warrt of Sr . Robt Jeffery< no role > for entiring
the said George Wilson< no role > to Lewdness

John Crutchy< no role > (an old Prisoner)
To Labr. till his Master
Fetch him

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