whoe had been there for about Sixteen years last past may
be there continued at the Rate of four Shillings weeks And
it appearing to this Court that the said Elizabeth Long< no role >
cured of her Lunary and fitt to be Discharged out of the said
Hospitall It is accordingly Ordered That she be thence
Discharged And if it soe happen that she fall ill againe of
her Lunacy It is Ordered that upon due application in that
behalfe she be readmitted at the usuall rate.
Mrs. Fowke
£25 P Ann
Also Applicacon being made to this Court on behalf of
Hannah Fowke< no role >
Sister of
John Fowke< no role >
. a late worthy
and Countifull Benefactor to these Hospitalls) for the
Supplying an omission in a Report lately made by the
Trustees named by the said
John Fowke< no role >
. for the said
Hospitalls and Chirsts Hospitall, and of the Order of this
Court confirming the same By which It is Ordered that
there shall be paid to the said
Hannah Fowke< no role >
£25 a yeare
by these Hosplls. not menconing that the same be paid to
her during her naturall life This Court Doth Declare.
it was their intencon that the same should be paid her during
her life And doe Order the same accordingly And it
being moved That Mr. Smith who lately went to Dublin
in Ireland for the Execucon of the Fines and conveyances
of the Estate given by the said Mr. Fowke to the aforesaid
Hospitalls may have £10 more allowed him then he
Agreed for in regard he staid there above a fortnight
extraordinary for the arrivall of Coll Mathews and of
his Extraordinary Expence thereabouts to be paid him by
the said Mr. Fowks Executor It is Ordered That the same
be referred to the aforesaid Trustees to doe therein as they
shall thinke fitt
putt out
Also It is ordered That
John Renshall< no role >
a poor boy be putt
out Apprentice
at Mr. Duprees nominacon
Boy to be made
And That
Edward Tooky< no role >
the late Apprentice
Fowler< no role >
be made Free
New Governors
George Hitchcock< no role >
. at Mr. Ricketts a
Gardiner in Shoreditch parish
Mr. Edwards of Kingston (Brother to
the late Sr
James Edwards< no role >
by Mr. Crisp
{Mr. Sherwood a Mercer on Ludgate Hillby Lient. Coll Beaker
Capt: Crane Brewerby Mr. Merry