Tho: Cockett< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr. Pitman and
Mr. Clarke (two of the Governors of these Hosplls) That
upon Inquiry they doe find That
Thomas Cockett< no role >
( who
was brought up Apprntice
Richard Howell< no role >
(late one of the Arstmasr
. of this Hospitall) and since made
a Freeman of this Citty by the approbacon of this Court) is
Sett up in his said Trade and that his Loom is his own &
his worn is well furnished and doe believe him to be
dilligent in his Trade and has the good report of his
Neighbours and believe him to be a fitt object for Mr Lord
gift It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trer Baker doe give
and pay unto him Terme pounds out of the profitts of Mr.
Locks gift the better to enable him to manage his said
Trade to be allowed Mr. Trer in his next Account.
Benj: Ruth< no role >
Also upon reading the Certificate of Mr. Pittman
and Mr. Clarke (two of the Governrs. of these Hospitalls)
That upon Inquiry they doe find That
Benjamin Ruth< no role >
(who was brought up Appte
Wm. Smith< no role >
(one of the Arstmas
. of this Hospll.) and since made a
Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court
is sett up in his said Trade and hath a very good Shopp
and well furnished with Hemp and Flax which he
Saith he hath paid for and doth worke and follow
his Trade very carefully and his Neighbours doe give
him a Good Report It is Ordered by this Court
That Mr. Trer Baker doe give and pay unto him
Terme pounds out of the profitts of Mr Locks gift the
better to enable him to manage his said Trade to be
allowed Mr. Trer in his next Account.
Mrs. Nicholls's House
to be viewed.
Also one Mr. Nicolls (Nephew to the Widow Nicholls
late Tenant at Will of an house in Bridewell Precinct)
acquainting this Court that his Aunt being lately Dead he
is ready to Surrender the said House to this Hospitall
and that
[..] his said Aunt had sett upp Severall things about
the said House which are removable and that he is
willing to Treat about the same It is Referred to
Mr. Trear and Mr.
Samuel Baker< no role >
and Mr. Atwood (two
of the Governors of this Hospitall ) to view the Same
and to report what they shall thinke fitting to be Done
about the prmisses to the next Court.
be made Free}
Caleb Lester< no role >