in Sett up for himselfe in his said Trade (as he alledgeth
next Door to the black horse in Fowle Lane
in Southwark
for some part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable
him to manage his said Trade It is Ordered by this
Court That Mr. Pitman Mr . Clarke and Mr. Hester
(three of the Governors of this Hospll.) or any two of
them be Desired to Inquire of the said Benjamin Ruth< no role >
whether he be soe sett up in his said Trade and of his
hopefullness therein and to make Report thereof to
the next Court.
Tho: Cockett< no role >
be Inquired of.
Also upon the humble Peticon of
Thomas Cockett< no role >
Cittizen and Weaver
of London
(who was brought up
Richard Howell< no role >
(late an
in the said Hospll. of Bridewell
) and since
made a Freeman of this Citty by the Apprentice
this Court and who is sett up for himself (as he
alleadgeth) over against the Red Cow in Shoe Lane
for some part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable
him to manage his said Trade It is Ordered by this
Court That Mr. Shaw Mr. Herriott and Mr.
Smith< no role >
(three of the Governors of this Hospitall) or any
two of them be desired to Inquire of the said Thomas
Correctt whether he be Soe sett up in his said Trade
and of his hopefullness therein and so make report
there of to the next Court.
Comittee to View
ye Artsmasters
Dwelling once
a yeare}
Also This Court taking Notice That Sewall of the
Artsmasters of the Hospitall of Bridewell
have of
Late yeares lett their Dwellings run very much out of
repair in the Plaistering and glazing which by their
Covenants they are obliged to keepe and leave in repair
Doe Order that the Comittee of the said Hospitall Doe
yearly once a yeare at the Least make a Generall View
of all and every the said Dwellings and of all Such wants
of Reparacon as the shall on such respective views find,
leave Notes thereof in Writing with the respective
Artsmasters whose dwellings shall Soe out of repair
according to the tenor and intent of the Covenants in
that behalfe and report their doeings therein from
time to time to this Court.
Eliz: Long< no role >
patient in
to be
Also upon the humble peticon of the Church wardens
Overseers of the Poor and other Inhabitants in the pish
of Camberwell
in the County of Surry praying that
Long< no role >
(a poor patient in the Hospitall of Bethlem and