Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010225

Image 225 of 5009th September 1692

Mary Anderson< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged upon Oath
on Suspicon to have Stolen a Gold Ring from Elizabeth
< no role > her Mistress and endeavouring to pick the
pockett of Henry Turner< no role > and for want of Suretyes

Mary Gerton< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt. Jeffery< no role > charged by Samll.
< no role > a Constable for being a Loose idle person
and taken in bed wth. a Strange man in an Alehouse
To Labr .

Jane Browne< no role > P Warrt. of St. Patience ward charged by
Elizabeth Ball< no role > for Pilfering a Petticoate a pair of
Gloves and a pair of Shoes from her they being found
upon her and Suspected to have stolen other things

Mary Dunn< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Wm. Turner< no role > charged by Tho
< no role > for endeavouring to Trepass him by conspireing
with other persons to charge him with being the Father
of the Child of one Kath. Maddy< no role > falsly prtending the
Child was a Bastard Child she knowing the said
Katherine to be a Married woman and for disturbing
him this day and for Assaulting him last night. And
for want of Suretyes for her good behaviour
To Labr .

Edward Tookey< no role >
to be Inquired of.

Upon the humble Peticon of Edward Tookey< no role > Cittizen
and Glover of London (who was brought up Apprentice with
John Fowler< no role > Glover (one of the Artsmasters of this Hospitall) and
since made a Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of this
Court and who is is Sett up for himself in his said Trade (as he alledg
at one Mr. Lees in a Court over against the pump in Gunstreete)
for Some part of Mr. Locks Gift the better to enable him to manay
his said Trade It is Ordered by this Court that Mr Deputy
Emms and Mr. Shuter (two of the Governors of this Hospills.) be
desired to Inquire of the said Edward Tookey whether he be
Soe sett up in his said Trade and of his Hopefullness therein
and to made report thereof to the next Court.

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