Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010210

Image 210 of 50027th May 1692

and very well Deserves Mr. Lords gift It is Ordered by
this Court [..]
That Mr. Trear Baker doe pay unto him Tenne pounds out
of the profitts of Mr. Locks Guift the better to enable him to
manage his said Trade To be allowed Mr. Trer in his
next Account.

John Leggatt< no role >
to be Inquired of.

Also upon the humble Peticon of John Leggatt< no role > Cittizen
and Weaver of London who was brought up Apprentice with
Caleb Clarke< no role > Weaver (one of the Artsmaster of this Hospll.)
and since made a Freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon of
this Court and who is sett up for himself in his said Trade
(as he alleadgeth) at Mr. Robert Evans< no role > in French Alley in
Goswell Street for some part of Mr. Locks gift the better
this Court That Mr. Slater and Mr. Vender hill (two of the Governrs.
of this Hospll.) be desired to enquire of the said John Leggatt< no role >
whether he he soe Sett up in his said Trade of his Hopefullness
therein, and to make Report thereof to the next Court.

John Hockley< no role > :
to be at 5th. P Weeke

Also upon the Humble Peticon of John Horbley< no role > of Endfield
in the County of Middx Praying that John Hockley< no role > his Son
now a Lunatick in the Hospll. of Bethlem may be continued
there at the rate of Two Shillings a weeke pursuant to an Ord
matter This Court being Satisfyed that the said Lunaticks is
in the said Hospll. at the Charge of the said parish of Endfield
Doe Order that the Steward of the said Hospll. of Bethlem
may receive all the arrears to this time for the said Lunatick
at the rate of Two Shillings per weeke But that for the
future the said Parish Doe pay for him at the rate of 5s.
a weeks and give Security for the same or else that they
provide otherwise for him as they shall thinke fitt.

New Governors

MrHallett Goldsmith
Mr. Gilbert East< no role > &

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