February 1784.
Time and manner
of Election fixed}
of an Act of Parliament passed in the Fourteenth Year of the Reign of
our Sovereign Lord George the third entitled "An Act for the for the further
"and better Regulation of Buildings and Party Walls and for the more
"effectually preventing Mischiefs by fire within the Cities of London
"and Westminster
and the Liberties thereof and other the Parishes
"Precincts and Places within the Weekly Bills of Mortality The
"Parishes of Saint Mary be bone
Saint Pancras and
"Saint Luke at Chelsea
in the County of Middlesex
and for
"indemnifying under certain Conditions Builders and other
"Persons against the Penalties to which they are or may be liable
"for erecting Buildings within the Limits aforesaid contrary to
"Law" lately departed this Life In Consequence whereof there is a
Vacancy of Surveyor for the said District It is Ordered that
the Election of a proper person to succeed the said
Thomas Sutton< no role >
as Surveyor or Supervisor of the District aforesaid be by ballot on
Thursday the twenty second day of April next The Ballot to begin
at the hour of One and to Close at three and that the Clerk of the
Peace do give public Notice thereof to His Majestys Justices of
the Peace for this County
Report of the Committee
appointed to ascertain
and report ye instruction
necessary for building
a House of Correction for
this County}
A Report from the Committee appointed at the last
Session "to ascertain and report the instructions necessary for the
building a House of Correction for this County" being read of which
the following is a Copy.
To His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of
in their General Session of the Peace holden for the said
County in February Session 1784 assembled
The Report of the Committee appointed "To
ascertain and report the Instructions necessary
for the building a House of Correction for this County.
[..] of Commee
of instruction necessary}
The said Committee Report That having taken into consider-
ation the order of referrence to this Committee made at the last Session
of the Peace holden for this County Vizt. "To ascertain and report the
instructions necessary for the Building a House of Correction 'for this County'
they have come to the following Resolutions Vizt.