To the Right Honoble. Sr. John Fleete< no role >
. Lord Mayor
of the Citty of London
And to the right Worll. the rest of their
Maties. Justices of the Peace
in this Generall Quarter Sessions
The humble Petition & Appeale of the Churchwardens & Overseers
of the poore of the Parish of St. Mary Wool churchwardens
That by Virtue of a Warrant under the handes & Seales of twoe of their Maties
Justices of the Peace Wth. in this Citty one Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
wth. Mary< no role >
his Wife
& 2 Children were sent & Delivered by the Churchwardens of
St. Buttolph Bishoppsgate
to Yor. Petr. By reason of a Certificate dated
18. January 1688 subscribed by the then Minister and Churchwarden of
their Parish to the Governors. of the Society of Porters for the said Henry
Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
admittance to a Porters Labor as being an Inhabitant in their said
Pish Whereas in tenth the said Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
was never legally setled in
the said parish of St. Mary Woolchurch
But was there only as a Lodger
Privately in the house of one Thomas Martin< no role >
for about Five
Weekes tyme & noe longer And that Such Certificate was obteyned by
Their humble Suite unto yor. good Honors.&
Worpps. is That you will be pleased to Lease
yor. Petrs. in the Prmissed and to send the said
Henry Bates< no role > This name instance is in set 2959.
to the said pish of St. Buttolph
where he hath been adindged
formerly To be a setled Inhitant according
to Lawe.
And They shall Pray Etc:
Order of 2. Justice confirmed St Mary Woolchurch to keys them untill ye