Wednesday 11th. Febry. 1735
ParrThos< no role >
Proposals for
[..] at Shepherds bush}
Notices in
Mr Martin Report
Upon reading the Proposals of Thomas Parr< no role >
settingforthThat he
propers to take a Lease of the House and peice of Ground at Shepherds bush
in the
parish of Hamersmith
in the County of Middlesex
late in the occupation of May
in the Condition it now is and to put the same into Tenantable repair at his charge and
to pay the Rent of £7. P Ann Payable quarterly clear of Taxes for Eleaven years form
Midsummer next being allowed the first years Rent towards the said Repairs and the
Lease to contain such Covenants as are usual in the Hospital Scans to their Tennents
It is Ordered that it be referred to Committee of this House to consider of
the said Proposals and to report their Opinion therein to this Court.
GibbsEdwd< no role >
. Petn for
[..] He in old Bothreferr'd}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Edward Gibbs< no role >
Robt. Munden< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
held of the Governors of this Hospital Eleven Messuages in Old Bethlem
on the Northside
of Old Bethlem Street
, Nine whereof are frenting the said Street and the other two are
back houses with the yards thereto belonging fee a Term of years which expired at Michas
lastThat the premisses are so much decayed and in such a ruinous Condition, that
they cannot be made Tenantable without Rebuilding the same, and he holding from the
Governors other ground on the Southside of the said street, on which he hath lately Erected
procure Tenants for his said Houses, till the said ground on the Northside staff be rebuilt on
That he proposes to take a Lease of the said Eleven Messuages and the Ground whereon
the some are built and the Yards thereto belonging and to pull down the said Messuages
and to rebuild thereon Eight Houses according to the second rate of Building in London
and to take a Lease or Leases thereof for 61 years from Midsumer next at the yearly Rent
of £30. payable Quarterly clear of all Taxes and with such Covenants as are usualy continued
in the Leases from the said Governors to their Tenants and to pay a Fine of £60 and to
execute Counterparts of the said LeasesAnd praying a Lease thereof according to his
said proposalsIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Comittee of this house to
of the said Petition and to report their Opinion therein to this Court.
BurkinsJohn< no role >
Petn for
wth in Old Oathreferr'd}
Upon reading the humble Petition of
John Hawkins< no role >
settingforthThat he is
willing to late of the Governors of this Hospital Eleven Messuages in old Bethlem
formerly let toand the Ground whereon the same are built and
the yards thereto belonging and to rebuild thereon as many houses as shall be convinent
according to the second rate of Building in London And to take a Lease or Leases thereof
for 61 years from Midsumer next at the yearly Rent of £25 payable quarterly clear of
of all Taxes and with such Covenants as are usually contained in the Leases from the
said Governors to their Tenants and to pay a Fine of £150 and to execute
Counterparts of the said LeasesAnd praying a Lease thereof according to his said
proposalsIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Comittee of this House to consider of
the said proposals and to report their Opinion therein to this Court.
HenryThos< no role >
.Petn for
[..] old Bethreferr'd
Upon reading the humble Petition of
Thomas Stacey< no role >
Munden< no role > This name instance is in a workspace.
held of the Governors of this Hospital Eleven Messuages in Old Bethlem
on the
Northside Nine whereof are fronting old Bethlem street
and the other tree are Back House
with the Yards thereto belonging for a Term of Years which expired at Michas last
That the premisses are in a very old and ruinous ConditionThat he proper to take a
Lease of the said Eleven Messuages and the ground whereon the same are built and
the Yards thereto belonging and to pull down the said Messuages and to rebuild therein
Seven house according to the second rate of building and to take a Lease or Leases thereof
for 61 years from Midsumer next at the yearly Rent of £23 payable quarterly clear
of all Taxes and with such Covenants as are usually contained in the Leases from
said Governors to their Tenants and to pay a Fine of £200 and to execute
Counterparts of the said LeasesAnd praying a Lease thereof according to his
said proposalsIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Comittee of this House
to consider of the said proposals and to Report their Opinion therein to this Court.