Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050392

Image 392 of 49113th November 1735

Bethlem }

London ssAt a Court holden at the Hospital of Bridewell
on Thursday the 13th day of November 1735

Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr .Aldn .President
Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr .Aldn .Treasurer

Sr. Robt Godschall< no role > Knt. John Bridge< no role > Mr. Deputy Ballard
Mr Deputy HodgesMr. Robt Bishop< no role > Mr Robt Hall< no role >
Mr Deputy SnartMr Robt Fotherby< no role > Mr Allen Webb< no role >
Mr Richd. Bridgman< no role > Mr. John Steward< no role > John Lee< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Saml. Smith< no role > Mr. Deputy DavisMr. Robt Henshaw< no role >
Mr. William Woollball< no role > Mr. Edward Whitehouse< no role > Mr Wm. Cooper< no role >
Mr. Gilbert Malcher< no role > Mr. Thos. Cox< no role > Dr Geo Wharton< no role >
Dr. Richd. Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Robt. Glynn< no role > Mr Deputy Wiley
Dr. John Beanfort< no role > Mr Walter Barnard< no role > Mr Wm Russell
Mr William Mingay< no role > Mr James Dansie< no role >

Cont to Labor

JohnsonSamuel< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Elizabeth Dell< no role > from Pilferring from out of the House of John
< no role > a half Pound and a Quarter of a Pound Brass Weights of small Value
and being a disorderly idle Person.

to be sent to the Workhouse Cont

ParemountWilliam< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Atkins Moore< no role > for Pillferring from the keys some Suagar of small
value and being a loose idle and a disorderly person.

The procecutor not appearing dd

PattersonJohn< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Edward Hopcraft< no role > Constable for Pillferring from off the keys some
Tobacco of small Value.

Cont to Labor

BadhamJohn< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Elizabeth Evans< no role > his Mistress for frequently getting drunk and abusing
her in a gross manner and absenting himself from her service without her lease
and being a loose idle and a disorderly Apprentice

Cont to Labor

TruemanWilliam< no role > By Sr . Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Anne Buchanan< no role > for assaulting her in the Street and putting his hands
twice up under her Pettycoats in a very indecent and impudent manner and being
a loose idle and a disorderly Person behaving himself very Impudent & Indecent.

Pun & dd

CooperJohn< no role >


PrintallJohn< no role > }
By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Mr. John Spencer< no role > for being Concerned together in
Picking his Pockett in Cheapside of a Cambrick Handkercheif
of small Value.

Pun & dd

FrankesCharles< no role > By Sr. Richard Brocas< no role > being Charged by the
Oath of Francis Priest< no role > a Constable in Wallbrook Ward for being concerned with
two other Boys not yet taken in Stealing from out of the Shop of Francis
< no role > a Cook in Old Bethlem three peices of Beef and a Glass Salt which he
Confessed to the said Constable.

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