Thursday 21st. August 1735
Beadles Gra ½ year to Midsummer
Upon reading the humble Petition of the four Beadles and Portersman
of this Hospital for their usual Gratuitys of Forty shillings a peice in respect of the
half year ending at Midsummer last for that their Salarys are but small It is
Ordered that the Clerk of these Hospitals do give and pay unto them Forty
Shillings a peice to be allowed him in his next Account.
Baskettmen's Gra ½ year to
Midsummer 1735}
Upon reading the humble Petition of the three Beadles or Baskettmen of the
Hospital of Bethlem for their usual Gratuitys of Twenty shillings a peice in respect
of the half year ending at Midsummer last for that their Salarys are but small
It is Ordered that the Clerk of these Hospitals do give and pay unto them Twenty
Shillings a peice to be allowed him in his next Account.
Apprentices order'd to be
made free}
At this Court the Persons hereunder named were Ordered to be made free
of this City having served their Apprenticeship
in this Hospital to the Artsmasters
hereunder mentioned Vizt.
DunkerlyEnoch< no role >
to William Phillips< no role >
P Indre dated
PosthumusBishop< no role >
todoP Indre dated 4th. Octr. 1727
JacksonJohn< no role >
to Mary Gethin< no role >
P Indre dated 10 Decr. 1725
RustonJohn< no role >
to John Burnham< no role >
P Indre dated
At this Court the following Poor Boys were Ordered to be put out Apprentice
at the Nomination of the several Govenor hereafter named Vizt.
Nominated by
Indre dat 30th. Augt. 1735
WrightJohn< no role >
Sutton Sharpe< no role >
Richd Bridgman< no role >
HagueJohn< no role >
Henry Godwin< no role >
Indre dat 12th. Septr. 1735
ColemanSamuel< no role >
George Male< no role >
Robert Pyecroft< no role >
ArmitMary< no role >
To have
Licence [..] Term in
a wharf in Bridewell
Upon reading a Report from the Committee of this House bearing date the
9th day of July last under the hands of the Right Worshipfull
Robert Alsop< no role >
Mr. Robert Bishop< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
& Henry Marshall< no role >
. in
the words and figures following Vizt.In pursuance of an Order of Court of
the 30th. of April last This Comittee have taken into Consideration the Petition of
Mrs. Mary Armitt< no role >
and Administratrix
of Theophilus Armitt< no role >
settingforthThat the said Theophilus Armitt< no role >
in the year 1722 holding by
Lease from this Hospital the Ground and Tenements next adjoining on the East
and North sides to the yard in Bridewell Precinct
did then apply to the Governors for
licence to let part of the Ground to the New River Water Company, which was
granted him accordinglyThat her said Husband being lately dead Christopher Masterman< no role >
a Woodmonger
is desirous to take a house a whereof part of the said premesand praying
that the Governors would grant her Licence to let the same to the said Christopher Makerman< no role >
for the residue of her Term thereinThe Comittee are of Opinion to Licence be
granted to the said Mr. Armitt to lett or assign her Term in the premes to the said Mr
Christopher Masterman as she shall think fitt All which nevertheless is Submitted to the
Judgment of the Court And it is Ordered that this Opinion be reported to the next Court
This Court doth confirm the said Report and Order that Licence be given
to the said Mrs. Armitt accordingly.