It was proposed and Unanimously Agreed that it be Submitted to the
Commissioners for paving Westminster
Etc that the following Streets should be
paved with pebbles Instead of Square Stones And that the Clerk do for that
purpose Alter the Several Returns Already made to the said Commissioners
Vizt. Hollies Street
Clare Markett Shire Lane
And Little Essex Street
Adjourned to the 24th. Inst at
6. o Clock}
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
At a Meeting of the Commissioners for paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Office Old palace
Yard May 17th.. 1771
Ordered That the Committee for the Parish of Saint Clement Danes
be Directed to Advertize for a Contract or Contracts for Lamp Irons to be fixed in those
in that Parish which are not yet Paved under the Directions of the Commrs.
not Exceeding 312 being the Number Delivered in from the said Committee
That such Lamp Irons be fixed at the Distances mentioned in the Paper
Marked No. 11
That the Committee do also Advertize for a Contract or Contracts for Lighting
the Lamps to be fixed in such Lamp Irons
That all the Streets in the said Parish be Cleaned once a Week
That the said Committee do likewise Advertize for a Contract or Contracts
for Cleansing the Several Streets in the said Parish from Midsummer next
Except those Streets paved under the Optional Clause
A Copy
Geo: Box< no role >
to the Commissioners.