At a Meeting of the Commissioners for paving Westmr. Etc
Westminster Bridge
Old Palace Yard
May 14th. 1771
Ordered, That the Clerks of the Several Committees
do Sign all papers transmitted by them from their respective Committees
to the Commissioners
a Copy
Geo: Box< no role >
to the Commissioners
Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Metting of the Committee Elected and Appoint
pursuant to an Act of parliament Intituled "An Act
to Amend and Render more Effectual Several Acts made
relating to paving Cleansing and Lighting the Sq
Streets Lanes and other places within the City and
Liberty of Westminster
and parts Adjacent'' in the
Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 16th..
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair
Mr. Roberts
Mr. Ireland
Mr. Jones
Mr. Sumner
Mr. Kennett
Mr. Rainforth
Proposed and Unanimously Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed
The Clerk having laid before the Committee a Letter from the Clerk to the
Commissioners for paving Westminster
Etc Dated the fifteenth Instant Containing
three heads of Schedules one of Streets to be Cleaned once a Week Another of [..]
once affortnight And the other of Streets to be Cleaned every three Weeks It is
Ordered by this Committee that a Return be made to the said Commissioners
that it is the Opinion of this Committee that all the Streets within the Parish
should be Cleaned once a Week