to wit
Elizth. Smith< no role >
aged about
about Eighty Three Years
on her Oath Says she is the Widow
Charles Smith< no role >
has been dead about Twelve Years Says her said late
Husband Served seven Years Apprenticeship
to one Mr.
Weaver a Baker
the Haymarkett
in the Parish of
St. James in the Liberty of Westmr
. and lived several
Years as a Journey man
with the said Mr. Weaver
before this Examinant intermarried with her said late
Husband and after he quitted the said Mr. Weavers Service
he never Rented House paid Taxes or did any of Act
Where by to gain a Subsequent Settlement
Sworn this 19th. day
of March 1774
} [..]
Sampn Wright< no role >
Elizth [mark] Smith< no role >