to wit
Abner Osman< no role >
Aged about fifty Years on his Oath
Says he Intermarried with
Rachael Osman< no role >
now in
belonging to the Parish of St. George Southwark
in the County of Surry
at the
Parish Church
of St. George
aforesaid about Twenty five Years ago and by whom he
hath Two Children Namely
Elizabeth< no role >
Aged about Twenty
Three Years and
Rachael< no role >
aged about Eighteen Years
Says he served Seven Years Apprenticeship
with one
William Frame< no role >
a Cork Cutter
in the Borough of
in the County of Surry
and after he was out of his said
Apprenticeship he never Rented House paid Taxes
or lived a hired Yearly Servant for one Year
Neither hath the said
Elizabeth< no role >
Rachael< no role >
his Children
done any Act whereby to gain any other Subsequent
Sworn this 19th. day
of March 1774
before} [..]
Sampn Wright< no role >
Abner Osman< no role >