Mary Frohock< no role >
Aged about forty Seven Years on
her Oath Says she is the Widow
Silvester Frohock< no role >
with whom she Intermarried at the
Parish Church
of Allhallow Barking
about fourteen Years ago
and who has been dead about six Years says her
said late Husband served Seven Years Apprenticeship
with one Mr.
Edward Jackson< no role >
at the
sign of the Ancher
and Baptist Head
in Chancery Lane
in the Liberty of
the Rolls
in the County of Middlesex
and after he was
out of his said Apprenticeship he Continued to live as
a hired Yearly Servant
with the said Mr. Jackson for
Two Years or thereabouts and after quitting the said
Service he never Rented House paid Taxes or lived
a hired Yearly Servant for one Year
Sworn this 11th day
of April 1774
before} [..]
John Goodhild< no role >
Mary [mark] Frohock< no role >