Timber shall have a new Lease of the said Tenement for the terme
one and Forty yeares from Midsomer 1693 Att the old rent of
Six and Thirty Shillings and eight pence P Ann.
Benja. Tarnants< no role >
And Wee finding that the Tenements in the said parish of
St. Thomas Southwarke
by the Mare in the new way now held of
us by
Benjamin Tarrant< no role >
by virtue of a Lease made to
Lawton< no role >
which expires att Midsomer 1695 att the rent of Two and
Twenty Shillings P Ann and the other parte by virtue of a
Lease made to
William Buck< no role >
which expires att Midsomer
1703 att Fower pounds Eight Shillings P ann rent they are very
much decaied and fitt to bee new built Wee thought fitt that
upon Surrender of the said Leases a new Lease bee made to the
Benjamin Tarrant< no role >
of the said Tenements for the terme of
one and Fifty yeares from Midsomer 1693 Att and under the
old rents of Five pounds and Ten Shillings and under a
Covenant to build two or more brick houses on the ground of the
said Tenements and to make the Celler Floore with good
Substantiall Oake.
John Russell< no role >
And Whereas a Lease was lately graunted to
John Russell< no role >
a little Tenement in Chequer ally
by the high streete in Southwark
for one and Twenty yeares from the end of a former Lease att
the old rent and for a Fine of Twelve pounds Now upon further
considercon of the falling of rents in such back places Wee have
thought fitt that hee presently paying the said Fine (which hee
did) the Lease bee made for Five and Twenty yeares from Lady
day 1693 att the old rent of Forty Shillings P ann.
Robt. Boice< no role >
And Wee have also thought fitt that a Lease of a Tenement
in or neare Pater noster row
London late in the tenure of
Benjamin Raye< no role >
containing two Cellers towards the Streete one
under part of the said Tenement and the other under the fore
parte of the shopp late in the actuall possession of Sr.
Gosling< no role >
decd and a shopp (as it is now seperated from the Shopp
adjoyning Westward but lately used by the said Mr. Ray
togeather with our said shopp) two room's over the said Shopp
as now seperated two more over them and ever them two
Garretts bee made to
Robert Boice< no role >
Citizen and Salter of