Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1785

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507960024

Image 24 of 89

To the Right Worshipful His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County
of Middlesex in their General Quarter Session of the Peace assembled
The Hamble Petition and appeal of the Overseers of the Poor of the
Precinct of St Catherine in the County of Middlesex .


That by Virtue of a Warrant under the Hands and
Seals of the Reverend Herbert Mayo< no role > D D and William Blackmore< no role >
Esquire Two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace for he County of
Middlesex (One whereof being of the Quorum) bearing Date the Seventh
Day of March last pastDavid Daniel Rawlinson< no role > aged Thirteen years and
Allan Rawlinson< no role > aged Eight Years were removed from the
Parish of Saint George in the County of Middlesex to the said Precinot
of Saint Catherine as the Place of their last legal Settlement.

That your Petitioners conceive themselves aggrieved by
the said Warrant or Order and humble appeal against the same.

Your Petitioners therefore humbly Pray that your Worships
will be pleased to appoint a Day this present Session
that all Parties may Attend to hear and abide the Judgment
and Determination of this Court touching the said Appeal.

And your Petitioners shall ever Pray Etc
Clare Sollr. for the Appellant

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