We whose Hands are hereunto Subscribed Churchwardens and Overseers
of the poor of the within named parish of West Tarring
in the County of
Do hereby premise from time to time and at all him as hereafter
to Save harmless and keep Indempnifyed the within named parish of
Saint Margarets Westminster
of an from all Costs Charges Damages
and Expences whatsoever that shall or may at any time hereafter
arise happen whatsoever that shall or may at any time hereafter
Parish of Saint Margaretts
for or on account of the Settlement
of Mary Jefferys< no role >
in the within named Copy of the Order of Sessions
named or for or on Account of the Children of the said Mary Jeffreys< no role >
in respect of their Settlement in right of the said Mary
Witness our Hands this Twelfth day of April in the Year of Our
Lord 1760.
Witness hereunto.
John Sayreh< no role >
Jno, Gates< no role >
Edward Widgett< no role >
John Cutler< no role >
Wm Penfold< no role >
Edward weston< no role >
At the General Quarter Session of the Peace of our Sovereign Lord the
King holden for the County Middx at Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
in the
County aforesaid by adjournment on Tuesday the
fifthfifteenth day of
April in the thirty third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the
Second King of Great Britain Etc.
Tarring agt.
St. Margarets Westmr
. upon an appeal touching the Settlement of
Margt. Jefferys< no role >
It is Ordered that the Respondents on Service hereof
do shew cause to the Court on Thursday the Seventeenth
day of this Instant April at ten of the Clock in the
forenoon why the final Determination of this Appeal
should not be adjourned until the next Session
By the Court