Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1760

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS504820058

Image 58 of 119

To the Worshipful his Majesties Justices of the peace for the county of
Middlesex in their General Quarter Sessions of the peace assembled

The humble petition and Appeal of the Church Wardens and Overseers
of the poor of the parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch in the said County


That by a pass Warrant or order of removal under the hands and Seals of Thomas Quarrill< no role >
And Chirs: Scott< no role > Esquires two of his Majesties Justices of the peace for the County of Middlesex
One whereof being of the Quorum bearing date the 12 day of October 1759 Ann Waters< no role > widow
Was removed from the parish of Saint Matthew Bethnal Green in the said County of
Middlesex into the parish of Saint Leonard Shoreditch in the said County as the place of
Her last Legal Settlement

Your petitioners therefore conceiving themselves aggreived by the said
pass Warrant or order do therefore appeal against the same and Humbly
Pray you Worships to make such order concerning the premises as to your
Worships shall seem meet

And your Petitioners shall ever pray

James Praed< no role > Attorney for the Appellants

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