July 1784
have a separate and distinct Stair case and Yard the latter
proportioned to the average number of Prisoners in each Class for
building the Keepers House over the Chapel or in a situation that he
may not only command therefrom a view of the principal
Entrance but as much of the prison as possible, for Erecting
Lodges for the Turnkeys in the Angles or against the sides of the
Walls which are intended to circumscribe the Building that the
Turnkeys may view therefrom the Yards Doors and Windows of
the Prison which cannot be seen by the Keeper for making no other
building than the said Lodges Baths Ovens Coppers and Closets
nearer the said Walls than 30 feet, for building the Chapel in a
situation to admit of separate and distinct communications
therewith for the respective Classes of Prisoners that they may not
on any Occasion mix or even see one another; for making the
Kitchen Wash house & other Offices in the arcade under the
and for avoiding the Imperfections noticed in Mr Howards
Treatise on Prisons.
This Motion was Seconded but after debate thereon the Motion
with leave of the Court was withdrawn.
Motion to refer back
to the Commee their
report & plans with the
observats. of Mr. Howard
thereon as also other Plans
and to authorize Commee
to receive others}
A Motion was now made and Seconded
that the Report and plans be referred back to the Committee to
reconsider the same and that the observations made thereon by
Mr Howard as Reported by Sir
Robert Taylor< no role >
together with the
Plans now produced marked C and D be also referred to
the Committee for their Consideration and that the Committee
be empowered to receive and Consider of such plans as shall
within One Month be delivered to them
after debate the Question being put on holding up of
hands there appeared for the Question 17 against it 24
whereupon it was declared to be carried in the negative