January 1784
to continue the said Allowance of Coals so long as they shall judge it
necessary And it is further Ordered that the said Keepers do
supply such of their Prisoners as may stand in need thereof with Shoes
and Stockings till further Order
By adjournment same day
Baker continued}
It is Ordered, that
William Watherston< no role >
be permitted to
serve the Prisoners in New Prison
at Clerkenwell
and the House of
Correction there with Bread until the County day of the now next Session
By adjournment same day
Comrs. for Building
New Sessr. House to
take into Considern.
their Receipts and
In pursuance of the Resolution come to at the last Session
Recommending it to the Commissioners for building a New Session house for
this County to take into their Consideration the whole of their Receipts and
Payments with a view to discover whether certain Demands remaining
unsatisfied to several Tradesmen for Work done in and about this Session
house ought to be discharged by his Majestys Justices of the Peace for this
County A Representation from the said Commissioners was laid before the
Court of which the following is a Copy.
To His Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex
in Session assembled
The Representation of the Commissioners
appointed to put in Execution an Act of Parliament made
and passed in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of His
Majesty King George
the third intituled "An Act for
authorising the Justices of the Peace for the County of
to sell the present Session house for the
said County and for enabling them to build another
Session house in a more convenient situation and to
keep the same in repair and for applying the Sum of
Eleven Thousand Pounds to be borrowed upon the
credit of a certain fund commonly called the Orphans
fund towards defraying the expence of building the
said Session house.