April 1784
Bentham John Bosworth< no role >
, Laurence Cox< no role >
, Henry Dagge< no role >
John Staples< no role >
, Jenkin Jones< no role >
, Samuel Hawley< no role >
, William
Wright, Thomas Gilbert< no role >
, Richard Heaviside, Thomas
Tryon Cotton< no role >
, Charles Sheppard< no role >
; Sir Thomas
Hallifax Knight< no role >
, Richard Neate< no role >
Proceedings in regard
to the Election of a
Surveyor or Supervisor
under the Building Act
for the district of Saint
John & St James Clerken.}
The Clerk of the Peace having informed the Court that
pursuant to the Resolutions made at the last Session of the Peace
holden for this County and also on the 19th. day of April Instant
he had caused Advertizements to be inserted in the Publick
Papers giving notice of the time and place for the Election of
a Surveyor or Supervisor under the Building Act for the
district of Saint John and Saint James Clerkenwell
in the
said County in the stead of
Thomas Sutton< no role >
deceased and that
in consequence thereof he had received Petitions & Certificates
from several persons which he had placed numerically as
follows Vizt.
James Burton< no role >
of Wardrobe Court Doctors Commons
aged 24 recommended by
Leond. Morse< no role >
Downing Street< no role >
Cha Beete< no role >
Mile End.
Hugh Parnell< no role >
Atkinson Bush< no role >
Great Ormond Street
Thos Blinkhorn Daniel
Willis David Maxton I L Desormeaux
George Hebert< no role >
John Walker< no role >
Henry Grellier< no role >
James Greive I Dolignon, Wm Phillips Builders
Sybr Hall
Builder Paternoster< no role >
low John
Golden High Holborn
Sam Smith< no role >
St Peters
Hill, I Baker surveyor
St Pauls Church Yard
Thos Mutter< no role >
Moorfield Samuel< no role >
Hanning Sice Lane Thos Buxton Dorset St.
Gardiner Spitalfields< no role >
Daniel Yarrow< no role >
Do. and also a Letter
from the said
James Burton< no role >
desiring to
withdraw his Application.