on the County day of the Same Sessions, And this Court doth
Order that the Cryer of this Court or his Agent do attend the
Said Committee of Justices at their Meetings and give them
notice of the times & places appointed or to be appointed for
their Meeting in Order to view the Said Bridges and See what
repaires are wanting to be done thereto.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of June 1739
Order for the Clerk of the
Peace to pay out of the
Colt money a Sum of
money to be ascertained
to be allowed & paid to
Mr. Lucas Kenn< no role >
in Parliamt. and also
five guineas to be
distributed to Officers of
the House of Comons
on Account of the Bill
in Parliamt. for the easy
assessing & collecting
County Rates}
Upon Information given unto this Court by
Robert Hucks< no role >
one of his Maties Justices of the peace
for this County that Some
charge hath accrewed on account of busyness done & moneys
disbursed to forward the obtaining & passing an Act of
Parliament lately made, intituled, An Act for the more easy
assessing, collecting, and levying of County Rates, And that Mr.
Lucas Kenn< no role >
in Parliament hath delivered to the Said
Mr. Hucks a Bill for the Same amounting to the Sum of twenty
five pounds twelve Shillings and four pence And the Said
Mr. Hucks also acquainting this Court that it may be
necessary & right to give Some Small gratuity to Officers
attending the House of Comons, It is Ordered by this Court that it
be And It is Hereby recomended unto the Said Mr. Hucks and
also to
John Laroch< no role >
another of his Maties Justices of
the peace for this County to get the aforesaid Bill of the Said
Mr. Kenn moderated, And that the Sum which they Shall
ascertain to be allowed & paid to the Said Mr. Kenn upon his
Said Bill, and also the Sum of five guineas which this Court
doth think proper to be allowed & paid to the Several Officers of
the House of Comons, be paid by the Clerk of the peace
of this
County out of the Colt money in his hands unto the Said Mr.
Hucks or Mr. Laroch, or to Such perosn or persons as they Shall
by writing under their hands authorize or appoint to
receive the
[..] Sum which they Shall ascertain to be
allowed & paid to the Said Mr. Kenn and also to receive the
Said five guineas for the Several Officers of the House of
Commons, which Sum of five guineas is to be paid &
[..] distributed to Such of the Said Officers and in Such
proportion as the Said Mr. Hucks or Mrs. Laroch Shall think
Proper and Shall So Order & appoint, And the receipt or
receipts of the Said Mr. Hucks or Mr. Laroch or other person or
persons by them authorized as aforesaid Shall be a Sufficient
discharge or discharges to the Clerk of the peace
for what
Sum or Sums of money he Shall pay in pursuance of
this Order.