Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010309

Image 309 of 5636th September 1739

Thursday the Nineteenth day of July 1739 upon Information
given that Mrs. Osborne the Widow & Executrix of the said Mr.
Osborne desired that the Court would be pleased to make her an
Allowance for the moneys disbursed by the said Mr. Osborne on
Account of Repairs by him done to Hicks Hall or any matters which
were Necessary to be done thereto, By which Order at was referred
unto the said Committee & some other Justices by several Orders
Added thereto or any three of them to inquire and examine into
the matters abovementioned And to make their Report touching
the same unto this Court Now upon Report made made unto
this Court by Nathaniel Blackerby< no role > Esquire Sr. Edward Hill< no role > Knt.
Anthony Chamberlain< no role > Richard Farwell< no role > & Robert Paul< no role > Esquires
being & Quorum of the said Committee touching the matters
aforesaid It appeareth to this Court by the said Report that
the said Committee have had laid before them several
Workmens Bills for Work done in the lifetime of the said Mr.
Osborne and by his particular Order to the Amount of £91.1s.9d vizt

Bricklayer £28..14s..0d
Carpenter £16..8s..10d
Plumber £0..4s..0d
Dyer £2..2s..0d
Glazier £6..5s..3d

what Bills have been Considered, Article by Article, by which it
appeareth to the said Committee that the Sum of £24.12s.11d has
been paid to the Bricklayer by Mr. Osborne for the Necessary repair
of the Roof and making good the Weatherings, and was laid out
pursuant to an Order of the Committee dated

29th. July 173724..12..11

And that it appeareth [..] to the said Committee that the
several Sums following amounting in the whole to £16.11s.2d
have been paid by Mr. Osborne without any Order of the Committee

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