Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010276

Image 276 of 5633rd May 1739

Joseph Jackson< no role > Bricklayer contracted on the Same
day to perform the Bricklayer 's work mentioned
in his estimate in a workmanlike manner
within a fortnight then next ensuing for the
Sum of} £1..10s..0d

John Warden< no role > Plumber contracted on the Same
day to perform the Plumber's work mentioned
in his estimate in a workman like manner
within a fortnight then next ensuing for the
Sum of} £0..6s..0d

Cotes Dix Painter contracted on the Same day
to perform the Painter's work mentioned in his
estimate in a workman like manner within
three weeks then next ensuing for the Sum of} £3..12s..0d

And the Said Committee further Certifyed that in pursuance
of the Order of the Seventh of December last they have
Inquired what further repairs are requisite & necessary to be
done to the Said Hall, And are of opinion that the following
work is requisite & wanting, and have caused estimates to
be made by the Workmen, All which amount to twelve
pounds nine Shillings and three pence as follows, to wit,

Richard Jupp< no role > Carpenter his estimate of
[..] Carpenter 's work amounting to} £3..15s..6d

Thomas Williams< no role > Glazier his estimate of
Glaziers work amounting to} £4..19s..3d

Charles Wainwright< no role > Smith his estimate of
Smith's work amounting to} £3..14s..6d

But in regard the Said Order made in January Sessions last
did not empower the Committee to take any Contract from the
Said Carpenter, Glazier, or Smith for doing the work
mentioned in their respective estimates otherwise than
as aforesaid, the Committee Submitted the Same to the
consideration of this Court for further direction therein, as
also whether the Scouring & cleansing of the Painters
work in the Said two Rooms may not be Sufficient, and
whether the out Side window frames of the Said two Rooms
Should not be new painted for the better preservation thereof,
And the Said Committee further Certifyed That they found
that Mr. Osborne the late Housekeeper did expend Several
Sums for the repair of Hicks Hall amounting in the
whole to a Very considerable Sum, but could not find he
had any Order or Orders from the Committee except for

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