July Sessions 1739
Middx to wit
To his Majesties Justices of the peace
for the County
of Middx
at their General Quarter Sessions of the
peace held for the Said County.
Report of Committee
concerning Brentford
Whereas at a general Quarter Sessions of the peace of
our Lord the King held for the County of Middlesex
Adjournment on Thursday the 7th. of June last upon
Information given to the Said Court that a Publick
Bridge called Brentford Bridge
in this County was out of
Repair It was by Order of the Court Referred unto Sir
Joseph Ayloffe< no role >
Houlding Bart< no role >
. Sr
Henry Vincent< no role >
Sr. Thomas
Reynell and Sir
John Austin< no role >
Barts. Sr
Edward Hill< no role >
Francis Child< no role >
Henry Barker< no role >
James Clitherow< no role >
John Laroch< no role >
Robert Hucks< no role >
Nathaniel Blacker< no role >
Bulstrode< no role >
John Traver< no role >
Charles Bere< no role >
Robert Hind< no role >
Stevens< no role >
Richard Farwell< no role >
Charles Palmer< no role >
Morrice< no role >
John Meard< no role >
Lane Harrison< no role >
. Justices of
the peace for this County or any three of them as a
Committee To take to their Assistance Such Surveyors
and Workmen as they Should think fitt, and to View the
Said Bridge, and See whether the Same or any and what
part thereof are out of Repair, and to take an Account
thereof, and make an Estimate of what in their
Judgment it will Cost well and Sufficiently to Repair the
Same, and to find Timber, Iron, and other Materialls for that
purpose, and what quantity is necessary to be found &
provided in that behalf, and to make their Report in
Writing together with their Opinion concerning the
Same to the
[..] Court of the next General Quarter Sessions
of the peace for this County on the County day of the Same
Session, In pursuance of which Said Order We whose Names
are Subscribed being Seven of the Referees in the Said
Order named have Viewed the Said Bridge, and find the
Same Extreamly out of Repair, and in a Ruinous and
Decayed Condition, the Greatest part of the Piles Decayed, the
whole flooring, of the Horse as well as foot Bridge upwards
of half the Posts and Rails and all the Cappeices Very
Rotten, and most of the Joysts in a very Bad Condition, the
[..] Abutment at the End next Brentford
great danger of Falling in, and the Coate of Gravel cut