Estate belonging to this County may be conveyed to the Said
new Trustees and their heires to the uses mentioned in the
last Deed of Trust concerning the Same.
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 7th. day of June 1739
Order for taking a View
of Brentford Bridge
of Such part of Chertsea
as is in Middx
in order to have the Same
Information being given unto this Court that a publick
Bridge called Brentford Bridge
in this County and also Such part of
another publick Bridge called Chertsea Bridge
as is in this County
are out of repaire It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is
hereby recomended & referred unto Sr.
Joseph Ayloff< no role >
Houlding Bart< no role >
. Sr.
Henry Vincent< no role >
. Sr.
Thomas Reynell< no role >
. Sr.
John Austen< no role >
Bart. Sr.
Edward Hill< no role >
. Sr
Francis Child< no role >
Henry Barker< no role >
Esqr. James
Clitherow Esqr
John Laroch< no role >
Robert Huck< no role >
Blackerby< no role >
Richard Bulstrode< no role >
John Tarver< no role >
Charles Bere< no role >
Robert Hinde< no role >
John Stevens< no role >
Richard Farwell< no role >
Charles Palmer< no role >
William Morice< no role >
John Meard< no role >
. & Lane
. Justices of the peace
for this County or any three of
them as a Committee to assemble & meet together at the Red
Lyon Inn in New Brentford
on Monday the Second day of July
next at nine of the clock in the forenoon and also at Such other
times & places as they Shall appoint And to take to their
assistance Such proper Surveyor or Surveyors & other workmen
as they Shall think fit, And to take a view of Brentford Bridge
aforesaid and also of Such part of Chertsea Bridge
which is in this
County, And to See in Brentford Bridge
or the aforesaid part of
Chertsea Bridge
or any and what part or parts thereof are out
of repair, And if it Shall appear upon Such View that
Brentford Bridge
aforesaid or any part thereof or the aforesaid part
of Chertsea Bridge
which is in this County or any part of the Same
is out of repaire Then to take an Account in writhing of what
repaires are wanting & necessary to be done to Brentford Bridge
and also to the aforesaid part of Chertsea Bridge
, And to make an
estimate of what in their Judgment it will cost well & Sufficiently
to repaire the Same, and to find & provide timber, Stone, Iron;
gravel & other materials for that purpose and what
quantity thereof is necessary to be found & provided in that
behalf, making the Estimate as to each Bridge distinct &
Seperate, And to consider in what manner the Said repaires may
be done as may be most advantageous to this County, And
the Said Committee are hereby impowered to make any other
Inquiry relating to the Said Bridges us to this County's being
obliged to repair the whole or any part and what part
thereof, And to make a Report in writing touching the whole
premisses above mentioned together with their opinions
concerning the Same or any part thereof unto the Court of the
next General Quarter Sessions of the peace for this County