Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

28th February 1734 - 14th April 1743

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556010271

Image 271 of 56322nd February 1739

22d. Janry 14th. Jan 1st.

Counterpart of a Deed between the Said Sir Thomas Lake< no role >
and the Said other Justices of the one part and George Long< no role >
Gents on the other part, taking Notice, int al, that a house of
Correction had been built on part of the Great Garden part
of the Said Estate, and that the Treasurers & other Justices
appointed to expend the moneys Collected for the purposes
aforesaid had Disbursed more money than they had or could
receive, and were Indebted Considerably to workmen, and
that divers other things were Still necessary and wanting
to Finish the Said house of Correction , and that it was
therefore Ordered by the Justices of the Peace that part of the
premisses Should be Sold rather than any new Tax be laid
on the body of the Said County, the Said Sir Thomas Lake< no role > and
the other Justices did therefore in Consideration of £280. Grant
Bargain & Sell that part of the Said Estate in the Said Deed
Particulariz'd to the Said George Long< no role > and his Heirs.

10 Augst. 17th. Jac. 1st

which was about five years after the Purchase from
the Bedingfields with the County money (that Purchase being
in the year 1614) King James the 1st. by Letters Patent (reciting
the Said Former Letters Patent, and that the Said Sessions
house was accordingly built, but that the Justices finding
that the Same ground was not large enough for a Sessions
house and a Prison also, as was Intended, the Justices had
at the Comon Charge of the County of Middx afterwards
Purchased another Peice of Ground in the parish of
Clerkenwell in a more Commodious place, and that they had
Erected thereupon as well as Prison for Malefactors in Cases of
Trespasses Etc, as a house of Correction for the Said County, the
Said King granted to Sir Baptist Hicks & other Justices That
the Said Building So Erected in the Said Parish of Clerkenwell
Should from hence forth be a Prison or Goal for the Safe
keeping of all Malefactors (other then for Capital Crimes of
Treason or Felony) thereto be Detained by Such keeper as
Should be nominated by the Justices of peace or the
Greater part of them untill Delivered thence by due
Coruse of Law.

In the year 1652

Which was between 30 and 40 years after the Lease to
Sir Baptist Hicks and when the Lease to Sir Baptist Hicks
was expired, and his Covenant to repair the Sessions
house at an End.

By Indenture between the Heir of the Surviving Trustee of

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