Britain by quarterly payments for & towards his
better Support & maintenance untill Order of the Court
of General Quarter Sessions of the peace of or this County
to the contrary, And that the Said pension do commence
from Lady day last past.
By adjornmt. On Thursday the 6th. day of May 1736
Order for an account to be
laid before the Court in
July Sessions 1736 of all
the money [..] reced by
Mr. Saml. Weaver as
Collector of the Toll money
of the Hay Market
, and of
his payments to Mr. John
Mist the pavior, and for
an account to be laid before
the Court by Mr. John Higgs< no role >
of what Toll money hath
been paid to him & is
remaining in his hands,
as General Treasurer.}
It is Ordered by this Court that an Account be laid before this
Court at the next General Quarter Sessions of the peace to be
holden for this County by Mr.
Samuel Weaver< no role >
of the
moneys ariseing by the Toll paid for hay & Straw brought
to and Sold in the Hay Market
in the parishes of St. Martin in
the fields
and St. James in the Liberty of Westminster
in the
Said County, of all Sums of money which have been
received by the Said Collector for the Toll aforesaid, and of
what Sums of money have been by him paid to Mr.
John Mist< no role >
pavior on account of paveing and repairing
the pavement of the Said Hay Market
pursuant to the
Contract by him in that behalf made, And that an Account
be also laid before this Court at the Same Quarter Sessions
by Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
the General Treasurer of what Sum or
Sums of money have been paid to him on account of the
aforesaid Toll and are now remaining in his hands.