£487..12..6£50..-..- this Year £75..-..-
St. Giles
St. Andrs. Holbourn£47..2..6£8..-..-
By Adjornmt. on Thursday 26th. day of Feb: 1735
Order for adjorning
untill October Sessions 1736
the consideration of
applying to Parliamt. to
have a Clause incerted
in Some Bill for appointing
a Sufficient Watch in all the
Parishes & places within the
Weekly Bills of Mortality
in Middx
It is Ordered by this Court that the consideration of making
application to Parliament in Order to have a Clause
incerted in Some Bill for appointing a Sufficient watch in
all the Parishes & places within the Weekly Bills of
in the County of Middx for the greater Security
of his Maties Subjects, be adjourned untill October
Sessions one thousand seven hundred and thirty Six.
By the Court
By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 26th. day of Feb: 1735
Order of referrence to the
Committee of Accounts to
consider of a method for
obligeing high Constables
the better to account Etc}
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby
recommended and referred unto the Committee of his
Maties Justices of the peace
of this County appointed to
take the Accounts of the Treasurers of the Said County to
consider of Some proper & legal method for obligeing
& enforceing the high Constables
of this County the
better to give a just & true account of all Sum & Sums
of publick money assessed or to be assessed by vertue of
any Order or Orders or Rate or Rates made or to be
made by the Court of General Quarter or General
Sessions of the peace for this County which they have
already reced or may hereafter receive, and to pay
over the Said Sum & Sums of money to the proper
of the Same.
By the Court