January 15th. 1735
A Report was this Day made to the General Quarter
Sessions of the peace for the County of Middx. by the
Gentlemen appointed to enquire into the Number
of Gin Shops within the Weekly Bills and parts
adjacent in the Said County, and to State the
Mischiefs arising thereby.
In Pursuance of an Order made at the last Quarter
Sessions held for this County, whereby it was referred to
us, among others, to inform ourselves of the Number both
licenced and unlicenced Houses, Shops and places, within
the Weekly Bills of Mortality and parts adjacent in this
County, where Geneva and other distilled Spirituous
Liquors are Sold by retail, and to inquire into the Mischiefs
occasioned thereby) we whose Names are here unto
Subscribed do hereby certify, That by the returns of the High
for Westminster
, and Petty Constables for
, the Tower
, and Finsbury Division, made on
their Oaths, there appears to be within the Limits
aforesaid (exclusive of London and Southwark
) Seven
thousand and forty four Houses and Shops wherein
Geneva and other distilled Spirituous Liquors are
publickly Sold
by retail: And although this Number is
exceeding great and for beyond all proportion to the real
Wants of the Inhabitants, being in Some Parishes at least
every Sixth House, we have nevertheless very great
Reason to beleive it is far Short of the true Number, there
being many who Sell privately in Garrets, Cellars,
back Rooms and other places not publickly exposed to
View, and which thereby escaped the Notice of our
Officers; and your Committee, on comparing the
Returns of Some Wards with others, and also with
former Returns of the Same Nature, are firmly
persuaded there has been great Negligence and
Remisness in Severall of their Officers on this
Occasion; And as upon Enquiry into the [..] respective
and Callings of the Severall Constables, It
appears to us, that near half of those Employed in
this Enquiry are Relaters of these Liquors them-
-selves It is greatly to be feared they have been