By Adjornmt. on Thursday the 11th. day of December 1735
Order appointing a
Comittee. to attend the
Lord high Chancellor in
relation to the hearing
of the complaint agt. Mr.
Robe Etc.}
Upon reading a Letter from
Charles Clark< no role >
. Secretary to
the right honble. the Lord high Chancellor Signifying that
his Lordship had directed him to acquaint the Gentlemen
who have filed their Complaint against Mr. Robe that his
Lordship will heare the matter upon the next day of
petitions which is on Friday the nineteenth day of
December instant if both Sides can be ready, by that time,
It is Ordered by this Court that it be And It is hereby
recomended. unto Sr.
Francis Child< no role >
John Milner< no role >
William Cowper< no role >
Thomas Lane< no role >
Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
Nathaniel Blackerby< no role >
John Bromfield< no role >
Richard Farwell< no role >
Peter Elers< no role >
Oliver Lambart< no role >
Richard Farmer< no role >
Osborne< no role >
Nathaniel Chandler< no role >
Thomas Mulso< no role >
Charles Bere< no role >
William Miller< no role >
John Mercer< no role >
William Hayton< no role >
Michell< no role >
Thomas Exelbee< no role >
Thomas Jones< no role >
Stephen Martin
Leake< no role >
Henry Norris< no role >
Samuel Tyssen< no role >
Alexander Garrett< no role >
Merry Teshmaker< no role >
Samuel Tatem< no role >
George Bourne< no role >
Thomas Cooke< no role >
Thomas Jenner< no role >
Henry Binfield< no role >
Ricards< no role >
Thomas Thayer< no role >
Robert Hinde< no role >
Robert Tothill< no role >
Robert Dennett< no role >
William Hucks< no role >
Robert Hucks< no role >
John Tarver< no role >
Samuel Savile< no role >
John Elliott< no role > This name instance is in set 3963.
. Justices of the peace
this County or any three of them together with Richard
. present Chairman of this Court to meet
together aton Such day
as his Lordship Shall appoint to be attended in order to go
from thence to attend the Lord high Chancellor and desire
to know if it be his Lordships pleasure that the Justices of
the peace of this County Should be heard (in relation to
their Said complaint against the Said Mr. Robe) by Councel,
And if his Lordships opinion Shall be So Then to desire
that his Lordship will be pleased to deferr the hearing of
the matter of the Said complaint untill after the next
Quarter Sessions of the peace for the Said County, And
It is further Ordered by this Court that if it Shall be his
Lordshipps pleasure to heare Councel for the Justices in
relation to the Said matter That then Mr.
John Higgs< no role >
and he is hereby authorized on their behalfe and
under direction or inspection of three of the Said
Committee to prepaire breifes and fee Councel to
attend the hearing of the Said complaint at Such time or
times as the Same Shall Stand to be heard before the Said
Lord Chancellor
And that the Said Mr. Higgs Shall be paid
his fees and disbursements on that occasion.