London Commitments.
1 JACOB JONAS< no role >
, in the Poultry
compter, committed by the right honourable
William Plomer< no role >
, Esq
: Lord Mayor< no role >
elect, on oath of James Sleymaker< no role >
, George
Whittaker,< no role >
and James Murrell< no role >
, for stealing 3 searlet cloth cloaks, Dated Oct.
31, 1781.
2 John Biggs< no role >
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord Mayor< no role >
elect, on oath of Christopher Richardson< no role >
, for stealing a
cloth great coat. Dated Oct. 31, 1781.
3 Thomas Lewis< no role > This name instance is in set 1546. This set is in the group(s): GarrowsClients .
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord-Mayor, on oath of James Strange< no role >
and another, for stealing a
firking of butter. Dated Nov. 12, 1781.
4 Edith Watson< no role >
Ann Rice< no role >
in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord Mayor< no role >
, on oath of James Cooper< no role >
and others,
for stealing 2 cotton gowns, a black sattin cloak Etc val. 31. Dated Nov.13, 1781.
5 Francis Burk< no role >
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord Mayor< no role >
, on oath of Henry West< no role >
, keeper of his Majesty< no role >
's gaol
called the Poultry
-compter, and Daniel Brown< no role >
, turnkey of the said gaol, for that
he, the said Francis Burk< no role >
, being arrested, imprisoned and detained in the said gaol
for a certain felony by him committed; that is to say, for feloniously stealing a lea
ther Portmanteau< no role >
; containing a quantity of wearing apparel, the property of Ellis
Winn, Esq
; and for that he, the said Francis Burk< no role >
, on Sunday, the 28th day of
October last, with force and arms did make his escape out of the said prison. Dated
Nov. 14, 1781.
6 Mary Mulley< no role >
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord Mayor< no role >
, on oath of John Bevan< no role >
, for stealing, in the dwelling
house of Dicks,
of Rosemary Lane
, in the county of Middlesex
, a silver
watch, a silver chain, and 3 seals, value 31. the property of John Bevan< no role >
. Dated
Nov. 17, 1781.
7 Thomas Cox< no role >
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by Mr. Alderman Hart, on oath of
John Jackson< no role >
and others, for burglariously breaking and entering the shop, being
part of the dwelling house, of John Goad< no role >
, No. 47, Bishopsgate Street
, and stealing
to pieces of Irish linen cloth, value 10l. the property of the said John Goad< no role >
. Dated
Nov. 19,1781.
8 Michael Paris< no role >
, in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord-Mayor, on oath of John Shepherd< no role >
and another, for stealing a
boy's cloth coat and waistcoat, a child's linnen frock, Etc. value 5s. Dated Nov,
29, 1781.
9 Sarah Jackson< no role >
Mary Clark< no role >
in the Poultry
-compter, committed by the right honourable William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord-Mayor, on oath of Henry Butler< no role >
and others, for
stealing 2 linnen shirts, 5 stocks, 4 child's shirts, Etc. value 50s. Dated Nov. 29, 1781,
10 Elizabeth Jones< no role >
, in Woodstreet
-compter, committed by Mr. Alderman Hart, on
oath of Charles Bearblock< no role >
and another, for stealing a quart pewter pot, value 1s.6d.
his property. Dated Oct. 30, 1781.
11 Arthur Ward< no role >
, in Woodstreet
-compter, committed by Mr. Alderman Sainsbury, on
oath of Benjamin Dudley< no role >
, for stealing a hand saw, value 3s. Dated Oct. 31, 1781.
12 Susan Obrian< no role >
, in Woodstreet
-compter, committed by the right hon< no role >
. William Plomer< no role >
; Lord Mayor< no role >
, an oath of John James Moore< no role >
and another, for stealing a pint
pewter pot, value 10d. Dated Nov. 10, 1781.
13 William Vaughan< no role >
Hannah Winn< no role >
in Woodstreet
-compter, committed by the right hon< no role >
. William
Plomer, Esq
; Lord Mayor< no role >
, on oath of Robert Smith< no role >
and another,
for stealing 3 pounds of currants, value 1s. Dated Nov. 12, 1781.
14 Sarah Davis< no role >
, in Woodstreet
-compter, committed by Mr. Alderman Hart, on oath of
Margaret Smith< no role >
and another, for stealing a black lace cloak, value 10s. the pro
perty of Joseph Smith< no role >
. Dated Nov. 13, 1781.