were two lodgers in the House with whom Informant had no
Character with & having heard by another acquaintance of his as
he said of a man & woman having taken lodgings at that Acquainterey
Sister & soon aftergoing away sad takingrobbing then Lodgings &
running away, and being informed that the Man answered the
description of Thompson the prisoner [..] informant went with
his Journeyman
to his said Acquantance's and then received
such a Description of Thompson as to have him no longer in
doubt of his being the person, but Informant wanting to go to the person's
Sister who had been robbed he told him that he knew his Sister
could not go to his House that night but that he knew of another
person who had been robbed and then named the Informant
Humphrey's according by her & his man went to Humphreys's House
who was in Bed, andtheHumphrey's got up event along with
them to Informants House,andwhen it was agreed that on his
coming to the Door Informant should ask him to eat a vict
of Supper and if it was not the person who robbed him he was
to take no Notice of him,but that [..]
Informant accordingly ask'd
Humphrey's in to supper & as a soon as he came to the parlour Door
the prisoner Thompson started up in great Confusion and stood for sometime
like a person for motionless, [..] says Humphrey's ask'd prisoner
by the name of parker how he did, who muttered some thing to
himself, but in such a Manner as not to be understood sat
down in the Chair he row from, & looking to his Wife said
dawn it were are trapped says that he remembers hearing
Thompson make the Declaration above Stated in the Information
by said Humphreys namely that he did not care for that they could only
send him to the Ballast Lighter for three years and her to
for two
Taken and Sworn as Guildhall
the 8th. day of June 1781
before me}
William Gill< no role >
the Mark of
Joshua Humphreys< no role >
Lucretia Green< no role >
Simon Spicer< no role >
Joshua Humphreys< no role >
Chas Thompson< no role >
Mary Young< no role >