Wensday Sept 19th-1733
Wee whose Names are here unto
Sett down are wittness that
Jno Heath< no role >
did willfull take
From Mr Cordwell Spiker &
Old Iron as tyes up in a bag to Convert to his own
and without the knowledge of the
Laid Mr Cordwell Between the
Hover of three & fouer in the
Richd Fenner< no role >
Thoms Nipton< no role >
Samuell Gibbens< no role >
Thomas Braden< no role >
I Confess and acknowledge to have pilphered all
those from materials Contained in the bagg above
Mentioned from my Master John Cordwell< no role >
Sat 27th September 1733
& Also a Red Velvet sadle wth. Brass sterups wch
I sold for three shillings: & about 4 Cwt: of Lead
& In Company wth: Edward Leaver< no role >
about 3 Cwt of Lead
Witness Rechd Fenner< no role >
Cha: Hunter< no role >
John Heath< no role >