The Information of John Heath< no role >
of Ye. Pish
of St. Bottolph witht. Bishopsgate
taken upon Oath before me one of his
Majties. Justices of the Peace for the sd. City
of London this Eleventh day of January 1733
This Informant Saith that in the Month of August
Last he being at Work with Sevall others in the Rebuilding
of Bpsgate in London, One Edward Leaves< no role >
a Labourer
at that time also was on the same Work Persuaded this.
Informt. to Steal at Sevall times Lead from Cramps off the
said Gate and off the House adjoyning other Parcells wch
Lead was the Property of the Mayor & Comonalty & Citizens of
the City of London
the said Leaver at Such time telling this
Informt. he knew a Person Who would by the same of them
And this Informt. further saith that being so Psreaded by the
said Leaver he did with him at Sevall times Steal and
feloniously Carry away from the above prmisses abt. three
Hundred Weight of Lead the Property of the said City of
London and wch. this Informt. and the said Leaves at Sevall
times Carried and Sold to one Thomas Toller< no role >
a Brasier
Old Bedlam< no role >
Who gave this Informt. and the said Leaver.
for the same after the Rate of One Penny a Pound
Sworne the Eleventh day
of January 1730 before
Richd: Brocas< no role >
John Heath< no role >