City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040168

Image 168 of 2328th November 1693

London ss

The Examination of John Vannoy< no role > Taken before
St Edwd. Clarke< no role > Kt one of their Majties Justices of ye
City of London & Libbys there of November ye 8th 1693

This John Vannoy being duly examined dath say that he
did hear it Mrs Allingtons being Robbed & having a Mistrust
of ye persons they Suspected did give notice where they
night find ye goods & they finding them accordingly ye
Persons concerned escaped he further Saith as to ye
money lost out of ye till he meddled not with it
himself but four shillings in silver & eighteen pence
in farthings was lent him by a person which he
afterward understood was concerned in ye fact &
farther this examinant Saith not

Capt die Etc Anno
Supradick Coram me
Edw Clarke< no role >

John Vannoy< no role >

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