[No. 4.]
R. B.
Super to wit
THE Examination of
Stanford< no role >
of Castle
Liecester Fields
in the Parish of Saint Martin
of in the County of Middlesex
Linnen Draper
taken upon Oath before
[..] us Two
of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
acting in and
said County the Eighteenth
Day of August in
the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and
eighty one
The said Who on his Oath Saith That
being charged before
[..] within two Months last
for past certain Quantitys of Goods to wit
two Pieces of Printer Callico for two Gowns four
Yards of Sprig Muslin and Six Yards of
Faith, That Scoth Linno were feloniously
Stolen taken and carried away from his
Shop at Castle Street
aforesaid the property
of him this Examment, and that he
hath good Cause to suspect and doth suspect
that the said Goods were feloniously stolen
taken and carried away from his said Shop
at Castle Street
aforesaid by Thomas [..]
Michele the Younger late a Servant of him
this Examinant but now rending in the Parish
of Horsham
in the said County of Super and
this Examinant Further saith That he hath good
Cause to suspect and doth suspect That Thomas
Michele< no role >
re Elder
of Horsham
aforesaid Drover did
receive a Piece of kinte Callico parcel of the
above Goods knowing the same to have been Stolen
and hath Good Cause to Suspect and doth suspect
Sold by CHARLES COLES< no role >
Stationer [No. 21.] F [..]