to wit}
The Information of
Martha Bokkey< no role >
of Harrow Alley
in Aldgate High Street
in the City of London
Mary Davis< no role >
Moore Lane
Street in the said City Spinster
Matthews< no role >
of Catherine Wheel Alley
Parish of St Mary
White Chapel
the County of Middlesex
on Oath before me
John Staples< no role >
Esqr one of
His Majestys Justices of the Peace in
and for the said County this 10th day
of September 1781
Who being upon Oath say and First the said Martha Bokkey
for himself says that last Night between 9 & 10 o'Clock she
went to bed at her Apartment at Mr. Cox's< no role >
a Butcher
in Aldgate
High Street
and locked her Chamber Door no other Person being
then in her Apartment, that about eleven o'Clock she was
awaked by some person attempting to pull off her Gold Necklace
that on this Informant awaking the said person ran away,
that this Informant then perceived that she had been robbed
of about seven and twenty Shilings in Money a pair of Silver
Shoe Buckles and a piece of a Garnet Ring, that amongst.
the said Money there were a counterfeit Shilling and a counterfeit
six pence and this Informant is very certain that the counterfeit
shilling and counterfeit six pence as also the piece of a Garnet
Ring now produced by the said James Matthews< no role >
are her
property and were stolen from her at the Time above mentioned
And the said Mary Davis< no role >
for herself says that last Night