to Wit.
The Information of
Ann< no role >
the Wife
James Gill< no role >
Long Acre
Stable Keeper
taken before me this 31st.
day of August 1781
Who being on Oath Says that at about 11 o'Clock last Night
she was sitting in the Tap Room of her house, that a person now present
who calls herself Ann Swanton< no role >
(who is a Servant
to her) and one
Thomas Harden< no role >
Ostler to her were sitting in said Tap RoomThat said
Harden was a Sleep and said Swanton quite awake when
this Informant Fell asleep, at which time she had in her pocket
eleven shillingsa bad shilling-and some Half PenceSays that when
she awoke she missed the Money out of her Pocket and she immediately
challenged the said Ann Swanton< no role >
with having robbed her of her Money
and insisted on searching her PocketsThat said Ann Swanton< no role >
refused to be searched for some time but on this Informants insisting
ofon it she delivered her Pocket to her, in which were eleven
shillings and one bad Shilling which she is very sure is the Money
Stolen out of her Pocket and Further Says that she is also very
sure the said Ann Swanton< no role >
is the Person that aobbed her as aforesaid
and no other person whatever
Ann [mark] Gill< no role >
Sworn before me this
31st. day of August 1781}
W Addington